Tuesday, 17 September 2019

The Battle of Bezpyn - Gallery

Hope you enjoyed the AAR of the Battle of Bezpyn, turns out we had a lot of pictures we didn't want to go to waste that just didn't fit that article. So please enjoy this gallery of in-action game shots, with a little commentary to expand on what was covered in the AAR. 

Death Cultists arrive on the landing platform, (from left to right) Blake Dolan, Darla Toose, Malek Tomlin, Felixus Poe and Aimon Vell. 
Horusian Inquisitor Verhoeven and his retinue dismount their flying junk. 
Verhoeven's nasty junk. 
The Horusian Inquisition craft closely tails the Death Cult.
The aerial section of the game, after the teams had landed. 
Orgyn Bodyguard Grimm and Interrogator McTeirnan make their way through the cramped tunnels of the mine. 
(from the left) Inquisitor Verhoeven, Kadmos the Heretek and Inquistor Rezniq debate strategy. 
Dauntless takes up a firing position. 
Cultists Dolan and Tomlin shortly after their defeat of Inquisitor Verhoeven. 
The two Inquisitorial fliers tail each other through the smokestacks and pylons of Bezpyn. 
Inquisitor Verhoeven requires instruction on the Maximilian 1934 rules from Kadmos and Rezniq. 
Interrogator McTeirnan explores the labyrinth. 
Lunch break, and Inquisitor Rezniq reflects upon the game so far. 
Inquisitor Verhoeven's filthy junk, in close-up. 
The Heretek mining craft tails the Death Cult flier through the clouds. 
The infamous moment where Inquisitor Verhoeven's shotgun backfired, taking him out of the fight and leaving Tomlin unscathed. 
Further detail on the Death Cultists. 
McTiernan poses for a security camera selfie. 
A preview of things to come from the creator of Rezniq's Death Cult. 
Monodominant Inquisitor Rezniq (far left) leads his fanatical followers towards the prize. 
Death Cult and Heretek fliers shortly after their collision. 
Pictured items may not be available for sale. 
Incinerator Glazius stays back to hold off the Heretek advance. 
Rezniq and McTeirnan are shocked when Dauntless appears before them. 
Inquisitor Rezniq hastily tries to cover Inquisitor Verhoeven's junk. 
Sneaky Death Cult skulk across the landing platform. 
More glamour shots of the excellent Death Cult. 
Before the second part of the game started, we set up some miniatures on the Mine Board to show off how things would look later. Who are these warbands? Tune in to see. 
The initial firefight between Horusian and Monodominant Inquisitorial warbands. 
It seems that Inquisitor Verhoeven likes taking pictures of his junk. 
With the narrowness of the landing platform, it is a wonder that more bloodshed did not take place there. 
(form the left) Ogryn Grimm, Interrogator McTiernan, Inquisitor Verhoeven, Veteran Dutch and Quinn alight the Horusian junk. 
The Death Cult flier comes in for a landing. 
Dauntless and the Heretek forces descend into the mine. 
Heretek Merchant Marines and Narcoflagellants prepare to engage the enemy. 

Monodominant and Horusian Inquisitorial warbands clash. 

For those interested in how the Battle of Bezpyn was fought, the next article on this blog will discuss the rules used and how you can put together your own narrative Kill Team games. 

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